Thursday, 17 February 2011

Update on Personal Development Plan

Personal Development plan review
Name:  Jack Bosworth 
Date:    17-02-2011

Academic Qualifications
Same as Before!
Currently Taking;
ICT Practitioners Level 3 BTEC
Art and Design Level 2 BTEC

My BTEC courses are going well I am achieving Merits and Distinctions in my Art and Design BTEC course.
 I am on top of all my coursework currently and achieving merits, if I have time at the end I will attempt the distinction work to achieve the maximum grade possible.
I am hoping next year to take a Graphics course or a Fine Art course so I am able to design or draw to very fine detail as I am currently quite good at drawing.
My job is going well at John Lewis as my contract runs out in April but hoping it will be renewed so I will be there with a full contract part-time.

Skills and attributes (score: 1 = no skill, 5 = fully developed)

Development activity
Understand and get very good at Spreadsheets i.e. formulae
I will be doing spreadsheets with Steph during lessons to complete the Unit
On Going
Become and better artist
This will happen during my Art and Design lessons.
Develop basic skills in programming
On Going
Time Management
Keep to deadlines on all coursework
On Going

New targets:

By when
Keep All Coursework up to date.
End of College Year
Save up money for Silverstone Grand Prix in July
On Going
Learn to Drive when I turn 17 and save enough money to afford all of my lessons and a car with insurance.
2nd July 2011 Onwards
Achieve merits and distinctions in ICT and Art and Design
End of College Year.


I am working hard to achieve all of my skills and targets so that I will have good grades at the end of my first year at college ready for my second year of ICT Level 3 course. Hopefully I will be able to save up the money I need for Silverstone and my ca\r and insurance when I turn 17.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Pizza Presentation

We had to design a prototype pizza delivery system, in groups of no more than 3, which then we had to present to the class our ideas and prototype in a presentation.
The group was only two people Jack and Steve, to begin with we had to draw rough ideas onto a A4 piece of paper and find the information and design we wanted with all the presets and delivery information, then we went on to copying it onto a A1 piece of paper and present.
Once we had presented out design and information we then had to ask answer questions givin to us about our ideas and what we could change about the design and information also adding bits in that we missed to reach Kates expectations for the delivery prototype.
Firsty we sat through two presentations first to see what other people had done and ask them questions, then tell them if their missing any requirements with there designs and then give them help on how to change it to make it fit.
I believe our presentation went well, we both talked about our ideas at certain stages, we did not have to answer many questions as we throught though our design very well as we had already asked kate what she needed.
The leadership of the group wasnt there we all helped eachother and worked as a good team on deciding ideas and presentation which worked well as we both had good ideas to add during the build of the prototype. I believe we worked really well and quickly to produce a good prototype.